Submission Criteria
Art means ideas. With the theme "The Art of Peace," the aim is to cultivate the idea that peace, much like the creation of a work of art, requires thoughtful, meticulous, and disciplined intellectual inquiry.
The art of peace is about creating a way of thinking about peace and defining what our expectations of peace should be.

The effects of the art of peace in;
  • Our personal lives
  • Family life
  • Gender roles
  • Social relationships
  • The art of education
  • National and international relations
will encourage the creation of collective wisdom and the generation of new ideas. The resulting works will refresh our thinking by exemplifying how the concept of peace can influence every aspect of life.
The competition is open to short documentaries and short films on peace and nonviolence no longer than 15 minutes, that have been produced since 1 January 2023. Films produced by students will be evaluated under a separate category. If the film is in a language other than English, English subtitles must be embedded in the film before the submission.

Deadline for applications

15 February 2025

Award Ceremony


Main Jury

Tamer Levent(Türkiye)
Alexia Tsouni(Greece)
Panicos Chrysanthou(Cyprus)
Mert Yusuf Özlük(Cyprus)
Zeynep Özbatur Atakan(Türkiye)

Preliminary Jury

Hayri Çölaşan(Türkiye)
Deniz Gürgen Atalay(Türkiye)
Fuat Boğaç Evren(Türkiye)
Naile Berberoğlu(Cyprus)
Mustafa Ünlü(Türkiye).


Best Documentary (40.000 TL)
Best Short Film (40.000 TL)
Best Documentary – Student Category (30.000 TL)
Best Short Film- Student Category (30.000 TL)